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First Year Impact Report


All pupils who attend Inspire Academy have a Boxall assessment completed on entry and exit. This assessment identifies the specific SEMH needs the pupil has and what intervention is required. Interventions to address these needs include; Zones of Regulation, Emotional Regulation, Sensory audits, SDQ’s, Resilience and Wellbeing, Self Esteem and Self Confidence. 

Term 1

Term 1 KS3 impact

  • The KS3 cohort for the Autumn term consisted of 5 x year 9 students. All the pupils entered with a suspension total from the previous year (22/23) of 16+ days. 
  • On exit only one pupil received suspensions totalling 7 days.
  • Attendance overall increased by 3% from entry to exit for this cohort. Individual attendance increased for some pupils by 20%, another by 12% and another by 3%.

Term 1 KS4 impact

  • The KS4 cohort consisted of 10 pupils who received a full time KS4 placement at Inspire Academy at the start of the Autumn term of 23/24. In this cohort there are 4 year 10 pupils and 6 year 11’s.
  • All the pupils entered with a suspension total for the previous year (22/23) of 3+ days. At the end of Term 1, only two pupils had received suspensions totalling 2 days.
  • 6/10 pupils increased their attendance from their 2022/23 percentage. One by 38%, another by 35% and another by 29%.
Term 2

Term 2 KS3 impact

  • In the Spring term, 14 KS3 pupils attended Inspire Academy. This cohort was made up of 9 x Year 9’s, 4 x Year 8 and 1 x Year 7 students.
  • 1/14 students accrued suspensions compared to suspensions on entry. 
  • From the Spring term cohort, 13/14 students improved their attendance from their starting point.

Term 2 KS4 impact

  • The KS4 cohort was made up of 9 x Year 11 students and 6 x Year 10 students.
  • At the end of Term 2, 7 pupils received suspensions totalling 22 days. 
  • 8/15 students had not received a suspension at all by the end of term 2.
  • 11/15 pupils increased their attendance compared to 2022/23. Some students increased by 27% and 33% by the end of term 2.  
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